Thursday, July 29, 2010

Vladimir's Putin' On The Ritz!

Moscow, Russia

Vladimir Putin, Russia's Prime Minister, has been regaling Anna "Chapman" Kushchenko and 9 other Russian spies since their arrival back to the Motherland.

A few nights ago, Putin, a former KGB agent, held a sing-along in the Red Square, toasting the spies.

"It was great. Vlad went up and sang 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree," said an excited spectator. After receiving thunderous applause, Putin went on to wow the crowd by crooning Pat Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" and Miley' Cyrus', "Can't Be Tamed."

The party went on well into the early morning hours as the crowd took to some Red Square Dancing. Putin was the life of the party, dancing with a lamp shade on his head. He was seen gulping down shots before leaving with one of the girls from Stolichnaya Vodka. "Na Zdorovie, Bitches!" shouted Putin as his limo pulled away. He was spotted shortly after at the Burger King drive-thru in Moscow ordering a Whopper with cheese.

-Silly's Soft News

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