Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jean Paul Gaultier: "Codpieces are Coming Back"

Paris, France

As we have seen through the reintroduction of Bell Bottoms, Tweed, and Danskins- fashions are cyclical and anything is possible.

One fashion that has been long forgotten by the mainstream is making it's way back from the history books.

Jean Paul Gaultier, the famous designer who introduced man-skirts in the 80's and produced costumes for Madonna in the 90's, including her cone-shaped bra for the Blond Ambition Tour, is now setting his sights on a fashion for men, codpieces.

A codpiece is a pouch that attaches to the front of men's trousers to accentuate the genitals. It was widely used by European men during the 15th and 16th centuries.

Even in a time before basketball players and porn stars, European men driven by insecurity, wore codpieces to provide the effect of having larger genitals. But Gaultier is looking to change that in a big way. "Codpieces are so fun! The last time I saw a codpiece worn was by Freddy Mercury. Everybody should wear one. Let's flaunt the genitals like it's 1552!" shouted Gaultier. "I'm surprised that this trend never caught on with the Asian men," giggled Gaultier.

His announcement came right after Paris' Annual Fashion Week. "I am ready to take the fashion world by storm once again. I will not rest until codpieces are on everyone's mind. "We are going to get medieval this decade...a little bit naughty," said Gaultier.

He plans to begin production on the codpiece pants next month at his factory in Paris and have them in stores everywhere in the U.S. by Fall 2011. A call has been placed to Justin Bieber's agent for Bieber to become the cover boy for Gaultier's latest creation.

-Silly's Soft News

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