Monday, July 01, 2013

Paula Deen Situation Actually Getting Less Sticky

Since the news of Paula Deen's racial tirade, in which the famous chef admitted to using the "N" word, sponsor after sponsor have begun to drop her like an an egg splattering on the floor; plummeted her career sunny side down.

Deen, who began her cooking career in 1989, has built her brand, and caught the eye of such corporate giants as Kmart, QVC, and Sears to name a few. She has built her empire to a net worth estimated at 15 million dollars.

The final straw came when Aunt Jemima decided to sever ties with Paula Deen on Monday. Aunt Jemima was planning a huge marketing move by replacing the image of a black woman on the bottle, that has been there since 1937, with Paula Deen, a woman who has, for the past two decades, embodied the Southern Culture.

But the sweet partnership between the celebrity chef and the maple syrup magnate dried up after news broke of the hate-spewing speech that left Paula's lips like crumbs splitting off a fine Shoofly Pie.

"We can no longer be associated with Ms. Deen," said Luana Squelkins - Corporate Communications Director for the syrup conglomerate.

Recently appearing on the Today Show, Paula Deen had explained to Matt Lauer her reason for using such a mean-spirited word towards another human being.  "It was about 30 years ago. I was divorced and raising two boys on my own. I had about $200 to my name (this was before I had started my business). I was leaving my church. By the grace of God, I had won $53 at Bingo, when all of a sudden, I was being held at gunpoint by a black gentleman. I have to admit that I was angry. After all, I had been through so many hardships. Finally, there was a little light at the end of the tunnel...for once. So when a barrel was pointed at me, demanding my money, I snapped and call that man a 'Ninny!' For this, I have to lose everything?!"

-Silly's Soft News

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